Cell technology
for everyone

NOVOSKIN: Innovative wound cover based on collagen-laminin matrix for rapid and effective skin recovery.

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Wound cover

We are developing a new product called "Novoskin" for effective wound healing using innovative cellular technologies.

These components precisely replicate the structure of human skin. The finished product is cost-effective, has a longer shelf life, and requires less stringent storage conditions compared to existing analogues.

This product is based on a collagen-laminin matrix, which helps in rapid and high-quality skin regeneration. Our specialists, applying tissue engineering methods, have developed a protein composition consisting of two key components: collagen and the main binding protein - basal membrane laminin.

Our Product

Tissue regeneration

Our biodegradable coating, similar to body tissues, contains biologically active components such as collagen and laminin.

They contribute to the restoration of structure in damaged areas, mimicking natural tissue repair processes. It's important to note that this wound covering does not contain living cells.


The product "NovoSkin" is supplied in the form of a circular disk with a diameter of approximately 60 mm and a thickness of 2 mm.

Each disk is packaged in an individual blister, ensuring the sterility and integrity of the product.


Contraindications include:

Open bleeding wounds

Infected wounds

Non-draining purulent wounds

Individual intolerance to components included in the product

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Areas of Application

"Novoskin" wound covering is intended for local treatment:

Burns of II-III degrees

Skin injuries characterized by damage to the epidermis and partial damage to the dermis, resulting in pain and blister formation.

Slow-healing non-infected wounds

Superficial traumatic or surgical skin injuries characterized by slow, continuous exudate secretion without signs of infection.

Post-traumatic wounds

Superficial or deep skin injuries caused by trauma or traumatic events.

Trophic ulcers

Chronic superficial or deep skin defects caused by impaired blood circulation or other factors, characterized by slow healing and a tendency to recur.

Frostbite and bedsores

Skin and tissue injuries caused by prolonged pressure or extreme temperatures.

Bullous epidermolysis

A group of genetic diseases characterized by blister formation on the skin and mucous membranes due to disruption of the structure and function of the skin.

Various types of blistering

A group of skin diseases where blisters form on the skin or mucous membranes due to disruptions in the structure or function of the skin.

The manufacturing process of the product


Preparation and sterilization of solutions and nutrient media


Gas sterilization of the finished product


Obtaining a collagen film from animal material


Binding of matrix proteins, followed by extraction of laminin from cells


Seeding cells onto the collagen matrix


Formation of a biopolymer matrix and cell cultivation



There are no analogues in the world

Enhanced efficacy

It demonstrates superior effectiveness in wound healing

Easy to use

Simple and straightforward application process


Offers a high-quality solution at an affordable price point

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